19 January 2010

The End of an Era

After three years, countless upgrades, downgrades, redesigning and innumerable hours, the bouldering wall comes down.

I need to get the thing down ASAP so I can finish the rest of my packing.

I'm not going to lie, I am a little sad as the disassembly progresses. It has been a great outlet for some rough times, a great workout partner and training tool.

Unfortunately the basement in my new house isn't very tall and really doesn't have room for a wall. But I promise you the wall will live in one form or another, even if it is as only a training wall.

Goodbye Old Friend.

Then there was just a blank wall.

1 comment:

nodose said...

wow.. an end to an era INDEED.. and a New beginning to come :) :) you gonna build a huge one in a garage like Chad's? ive never seen his but i imagined it was pretty cool? :)